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Write an article by Dead Wake both easy and difficult. On the one hand, you do not need to weigh all the pros and cons of the project for a long time in order to come to a common denominator, and on the other hand, it is difficult to relate objectively to the game, which is spilled through with enthusiasm. Folk creations often cause emotion and condescending smile, and sometimes they can even surprise.

As the famous wisdom says: "With the world along the thread – a naked shirt". Relatively Dead Wake This phrase is one hundred percent fair. The game was created in close cooperation with gamers, since the developers were banal to pull such a project. So they helped "The whole world" – who is advice and who texture.

Initially, Dead Wake was proclaimed a three -dimensional shooter with a first -person view. So he appeared before the general public a year ago in his first demo version. A barn, a mill, a bunch of drawers, a ray of a lantern, zombies and darkness, darkness, darkness – all that could be seen in this absolutely non -grave craft. People from PolyCount Productions After some time, they still realized that they had nothing to do in the field of FPS, after which they transferred their project to the Top-Down equalities. View from above, more diverse scenery, the presence of animation and gameplay, familiar to many according to the famous Alien Shooter, is what we are now offering.

Many independent developers have proven that you can surprise games that do not require large monetary injections. It is enough to remember Introversion Software and their outstanding Uplink, Defcon, Darwinia. Or the recent World of Goo, which grew out of the experimental project, Kyle Gabler. Yes, even our domestic "Space rangers" saw the light only thanks to amazing determination Dmitry Gusarov (now – leader Katauri Interactive) and a small pile of no less stubborn enthusiasts. The bottom line is that each of the listed games was original. New gameplay sensations (well, or a unique design, which is less likely) – this is what amateur work can come up. Despite the presence of a multiplayer and cards editor, Dead Wake It is unlikely that a long and prosperous existence is waiting, since he cannot offer anything original.

On the main website of the game there is a video on which a teenager (apparently producer Dead Wake), wrapped in a conspiracy store, shows a small note in the camera in one famous computer magazine about its game. Joyfully pokes a finger at the page and says "It’s a cool". This is undoubtedly an achievement, without fools. I do not want to upset this young guy, but it is obvious that if he does not bring something conceptual in his brainchild, then this note will end.

PS: A few days after writing an article, a fresh demo version will be available on the official website of the developers.

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